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Vitamin D deficiency favors rickets in children and osteoporosis and osteomalacia in adults. Since 1986, more than

twenty communications to the Argentine Association of Osteology and Mineral Metabolism have reported about

hypovitaminosis D across the country. According to international criteria vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency

have been observed in mothers, newborns and children living in Ushuaia, Río Gallegos, Comodoro Rivadavia and

Buenos Aires. In spite of high-latitude vitamin D deficiency, young subjects from Ushuaia presented similar peak

bone mass to those living in Buenos Aires. Young adults from Buenos Aires city have low vitamin D levels in

Winter, associated with increases in bone markers. Among the elderly living in institutions, vitamin D deficiency is

the rule at the end of Winter. Among healthy ambulatory adults from several areas of the country, vitamin D

insufficiency is prevalent in Winter [mean 25(OH)D levels: 17.4 ng/ml]. In large cities like Buenos Aires frank

hypovitaminosis D can be found in elderly adults, which can be attributed to the time spent indoors, and to poor

intake of vitamin D-rich or fortified foodstuffs; more severely affected individuals are found in the low-income

social class. Hypovitaminosis D is a public health problem in Argentina, preferentially affecting children and

adults of low income.

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How to Cite
PLANTALECH L. MAP OF HYPOVITAMINOSIS D IN ARGENTINA. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];1(1). Available from:
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