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Juliana Fassi
Guillermo Rosa Diez
Nora Imperiali
Rosana Groppa
María Cora Giordani
Salomón Algranati
Luisa Plantalech


The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of hypercalcemia following kidney transplantation and to determine possible related factors. Thus we evaluated kidney transplant patients between 2001 and 2005 with at least 1-year follow-up. We considered 60 patients, 37.6±13 years. We determined serum calcium (Ca), and intact PTH before and after transplantation (preTx and postTx). Results: We verified 33.4% of patients with post transplantation hypercalcemia (16.7% with transient hypercalcemia and 16.7% with persistent hypercalcemia). Persistent hypercalcemia was associated to time on dialysis [64.7±14 months vs. 45.4±11.7 months and 30.5±4.8 months in those with transient hypercalcemia and normal Ca posTx, respectively; ANOVA, p=0.02], and PTH before transplantation [759 pg/ml (368–759 pg/ml) vs. 146 pg/ml (115–508 pg/ml) and 202 pg/ml (78–485 pg/ml) in those with transient hypercalcemia and normal Ca postTx; median (1st–3rd quartiles); Kruskal–Wallis, p=0.02]. Those who presented with transient hypercalcemia showed similar Ca preTx to those who had persistent hypercalcemia (10.2±0.3, 10.3±0.4 and 9.4±0.1 mg/dl in transient, persistent hypercalcemia and normal Ca postTx, respectively; ANOVA, p=0.002). There was a positive correlation between time on dialysis and PTH postTx (r=0.65, p< 0.05) and Ca posTx (r=0.32, p=0.02); PTH preTx was significantly correlated with PTH postTx (r=0.55, P< 0.01). Calcium and PTH before transplantation, as well as time on dialysis were the main factors associated with persistent hypercalcemia, so we suggest intervention before transplantation on patients with calcium and PTH values above desirable levels.

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How to Cite
Fassi J, Rosa Diez G, Imperiali N, Groppa R, Giordani MC, Algranati S, Plantalech L. PREVALENCE OF HYPERCALCEMIA IN PATIENTS WITH RENAL TRANSPLANT. PRE- DICTIVE FACTORS. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];4(3):105-11. Available from:
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