Densitometric response in postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with strontium ranelate or denosumab

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Ariel Sánchez
Lucas R. Brun
Helena Salerni
Pablo R. Costanzo
Laura Maffei
Valeria Premrou
Marcelo A. Sarli
Paula Rey
María S. Larroudé
María L. Brance
Ana M. Galich
Diana González
Alicia Bagur
Beatriz Oliveri
Eduardo Vega
María B. Zanchetta
Vanina Farías
José L. Mansur
María S. Moggia
María R. Ulla
María M. Pavlove
Silvia Karlsbrum
Grupo Argentino de Estudio de la Osteoporosis


Both strontium ranelate (SrR) and denosumab (Dmab) are effective in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOP). The effect of each drug on bone mineral density (BMD) has been studied separately by us. With both, there was a significant increase after one year of treatment at the lumbar spine (LS) and hip. In this paper we compared the densitometric response after one year of treatment with both drugs used separately. We used the clinical records of 425 PM patients treated with Dmab and 441 treated with SrR. In each patient we analyzed the percentage of change; those that showed a change 3% were classified as responders. Additionally the response was compared in patients not previously treated with bisphosphonates (BP-naïve) compared to patients who had previously received a BP. When analyzing the complete group for Dmab, the percentage of "responders" was 65.2% at the LS, 62.9% at the femoral neck (FN) and 47.4% at the total hip (TH). On the other hand, in the group of patients treated with SrR the percentage of responders (53.8% at the LS, 40.0% at the FN and 35.6% at the TH) was statistically lower. When comparing the response between in BF-naïve patients receiving RSr or Dmab, Dmab induced a greater response at the LS and FN than the RSr group, with no statistical differences at the TH. When the subgroups with prior BP treatment were analyzed, those treated with Dmab showed greater response in all regions. Conclusion: in patients with PMOP treatment with Dmab produced greater densitometric increments than SrR, and the percentage of responders was higher with Dmab than with SrR.

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How to Cite
Sánchez A, Brun LR, Salerni H, Costanzo PR, Maffei L, Premrou V, Sarli MA, Rey P, Larroudé MS, Brance ML, Galich AM, González D, Bagur A, Oliveri B, Vega E, Zanchetta MB, Farías V, Mansur JL, Moggia MS, Ulla MR, Pavlove MM, Karlsbrum S, Grupo Argentino de Estudio de la Osteoporosis. Densitometric response in postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with strontium ranelate or denosumab. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];13(1):9-16. Available from:
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