Biophysical-biochemical cooperation in the directional control of bone "structural quality"

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Ricardo Francisco Capozza
Laura Marcela Nocciolino
Gustavo Roberto Cointry
José Luis Ferretti


The development of bones´ structural properties has been conceived traditionally as resulting from mere additions or losses of mineralized tissue, with negative/positive balances determined by biochemical (systemic) factors, regardless of any biophysical (directional) factor that could orient spatially those processes as required for achieving a stiff/strong structure. That misleading conception has disturbed the interpretation of bone-weakening diseases by clinicians during more than 4 decades, as determined by diverse confounders, chiefly, 1. common sense, 2. a particular historical order in knowledge acquisition in Osteology, 3. the difficult interpretation of abstract concepts like the biological levels of complexity, and 4. economical factors. This article aims to cope with those difficulties, in a didactical way. The exposed arguments are supported by some recent developments in Osteology that are affording growing evidence of the crucial role of osteocytes as primary elements in the process of biophysical-biochemical transduction involved in the directional (biomechanical) control of the mechanical properties of bones.

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How to Cite
Capozza RF, Nocciolino LM, Cointry GR, Ferretti JL. Biophysical-biochemical cooperation in the directional control of bone "structural quality". Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 3 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];11(2):136-50. Available from:

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