Original Dynamometric and Tomographic evidence of site-specific muscle effects on bone structure. Towards a wider scope on the bone Mechanostat concept.

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Laura M. Nocciolino
Sergio H. Lüscher
Nicolás Pilot
Leandro Pisani
Leandro Mackler
Gustavo R. Cointry
Alex Ireland
Jörn Rittweger
José L. Ferretti
Ricardo F. Capozza


To analyze the direct impact of muscle contractions on the structure of bones, we determined the cortical cross-sectional area (CtA), volumetric mineral density (vBMDc) and the CtA-adjusted moments of inertia for anterior-posterior and lateral bending (MIap, MIlat), and the distribution/quality (d/c) relationships between MIs and vBMDc (which describe the efficiency of the biomechanical optimization of cortical design by bone mechanostat) in 18 serial scans taken throughout the fibula of the dominant side (pQCT), and the jump and the foot-lateral-rotation forces (computed dynamometry) of 22 healthy men aged 18-33 years, who had been trained in competitive soccer for more than 4 years, and of 9 untrained, age-matched controls. Trained individuals showed higher MI values as a function of the rotative force of the foot (not the jumping force). The adjustment of these relationships was
homogeneous for MIap throughout the bone, but variable (poorer distally and higher proximally, at the insertion area of peroneus muscles) for MIlat, this latter being paralleled by poor adjustments of the corresponding, d/c relation-ships (architectural effect independent of tissue stiffness). These findings,1. Show the direct influence of the traction force of peroneal muscles on proximal fibula structure close to the insertion area, and 2. Suggest that, in the studied conditions, the bone mechanostat would proceed beyond its known conception as a regulatory mechanism of structural bone strength.

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How to Cite
Nocciolino LM, Lüscher SH, Pilot N, Pisani L, Mackler L, Cointry GR, Ireland A, Rittweger J, Ferretti JL, Capozza RF. Original Dynamometric and Tomographic evidence of site-specific muscle effects on bone structure. Towards a wider scope on the bone Mechanostat concept. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];14(3):178-83. Available from: https://ojs.osteologia.org.ar/ojs33010/index.php/osteologia/article/view/211
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