Calcium density from diary foods classified according to their caloric density

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Florencia Botticella
María Verónica Cámpora
María Josefina Ferro
Florencia Scibona
Julieta Villalba
María Elena Torresani


In adulthood decreased bone mineral density, body weight gain and redistribution of fat mass with predominance of fat abdominovisceral is observed. This increases the risk of cardiometabolic diseases. In order to create a tool to guide health professionals to cover current calcium recommendations, without neglecting the prevention and body weight control, a table of food and dairy products was compiled grouped according to the caloric density and calcium density. Through the concept of nutrient density, the resulting classification allows to evaluate the nutritional quality of food, and select those that provide high calcium density and normal or low caloric density.

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How to Cite
Botticella F, Cámpora MV, Ferro MJ, Scibona F, Villalba J, Torresani ME. Calcium density from diary foods classified according to their caloric density. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];10(1):37-41. Available from:
Brief Communications