Usefullness of a prebiotic mixture to increase calcium absorption and retention during normal growth and during recovery from protein malnutrition: experimental model in rats.

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Gabriel Bryk
Evelyn Hernandez
Macarena Gonzales Chaves
Carlos Lugones
Patricia Mandalunis
María Luz Pita Martín de Portela
Susana Noemí Zeni


Nutrition influences linear growth and bone mass accumulation, modulating the genetic potential. Colonic fermentation of galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) enhances Ca absorption.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of a mixture 9:1 of short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) (GOS/FOS®) during normal growth or recovering from early protein deprivation on Ca and P absorption and bone retention, in rats. Methods: The study was done in two groups of rats with different nutritional status. Normal growth: At weaning until day 40, male rats received one diet: AIN93-G containing: 0.5% Ca (Ca.5-40); 0.3% Ca (Ca.3-40); 0.3% Ca plus 5.3% GOS/FOS® (Ca.3P). Nutritional recovery: At weaning, rats received a low protein diet (4%) during a week. Then, these undernourished (U) rats were reefed with 0.5%Ca diet with or without 5.3% GOS/FOS® until 50 days of life (DCa.5-50 or DCa.5P50, respectively). A control nourished group was fed AIN93-G until 50 days of life. Food consumption, Ca, Mg and P absorption (mg/d and %), and lactobacilli development in fresh feces were evaluated weekly; caecum pH, femur mineral content, biomechanical and densitometric analysis (Lunar DXA) and biochemical bone markers were measured after sacrifice. Results: The prebiotic consumption increased lactobacilli development (p <0.0001); reduced caecum pH (p <0.0001); increased Ca, Mg and P absorptions (p <0.01). Moreover, prebiotic enhanced femur mineral content (p <0.05); densitometric (p<0.01), biomechanical (p <0.05) and biochemical parameters (p<0.01) in both experimental models as compared to the groups fed the prebiotic-free-diets. Conclusion: The prebiotic mixture studied here increased mineral absorption supplying an extra amount of bone minerals that beneficed bone acquisition.

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How to Cite
Bryk G, Hernandez E, Gonzales Chaves M, Lugones C, Mandalunis P, Pita Martín de Portela ML, Zeni SN. Usefullness of a prebiotic mixture to increase calcium absorption and retention during normal growth and during recovery from protein malnutrition: experimental model in rats. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];11(1):19-37. Available from:
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