Trabecular bone score evaluation in postmenopausal women with or without fractures

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Ana María Galich
Laura Maffei
Valeria Premrou
Adriana Frigeri
Eduardo Vega


Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) is a measure of the grey scale derived from DXA lumbar image and provides information about microarchitecture. It has been shown that low TBS values can predict fractures. Our objective was to evaluate if there are any differences between the TBS values in patients with fractures vs. non-fractures.
Materials and methods: We reviewed 159 medical records of menopausal women who consulted for evaluation of their bone health. Self-reported fractures (Fx), spine BMD, femoral neck and total femur and TBS were evaluated.
Results: thirty patients (18.9%) presented fractures and they showed lower TBS (with Fx: 1,295±0,083 vs. without Fx: 1,366±0,084, p<0.0001), lower body mass index (BMI) (with Fx: 23.7±1.9 vs. without Fx 25.7±4.2, p=0.02), without differences in ages (p=0.39) or in BMD values (L1-L4 p=0.11, femoral neck p=0.20 and total femur p=0.12). Some fractures occurred in patients without osteoporosis, as determined by DXA. Conclusions: TBS would increase the ability of DXA to identify Argentine women at risk for fractures without densitometric osteoporosis. This is the first work done in Argentina with TBS measurement.

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How to Cite
Galich AM, Maffei L, Premrou V, Frigeri A, Vega E. Trabecular bone score evaluation in postmenopausal women with or without fractures. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];13(2):96-103. Available from:
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