Estudio comparativo de la absorción neta de calcio de dos formulaciones farmacéuticas diferentes de carbonato de calcio en mujeres posmenopáusicas

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Silvina Mastaglia
Dana Watson
Julia Somoza
Rosana Gianotti
Graciela Brito
Beatriz Oliveri


Calcium supplementation, administered alone or in combination with a specific medication for osteoporosis, would reduce bone mass loss and fracture risk in postmenopausal women. However, the adherence rate to calcium supplements is low, mainly due to low
tolerance. Objective: comparisson of net calcium absorption rate between two different pharmaceutical formulations of calcium carbonate (PFCa) in postmenopausal women. Materials and Methods: 11 tests were performed
in postmenopausal women aged 58.9±3 yrs.
Design: Comparative, randomized, prospective, open-label exploratory crossover study of calcium mousse versus calcium pills. Intervention: Participants were randomized in 2 groups
to receive the 2 different PFCa (500mg): pills vs. mousse, with previous vitamin D3 supplementation. The parathyroid hormone (PTH) inhibition test and the area-under-thecurve (AUC) of calcium were analyzed. Blood
samples were taken at baseline and 1, 2 and 3 hrs after intake of the assigned PFCa. Urine samples (2hs) were obtained at -baseline, after 2hs of PFCa intake and at the end of the
test. Biochemical Determinations: Serum: calcium, phosphorus, albumin, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and intact PTH. In urine: calcium. Statistical Analysis: The trapezoid rule was applied to assess AUC in time (R Development Core Team
(2008). An ANOVA model with 2 error terms was used to assess the effect of sequence, period, and formulation.
Results: The highest inhibition PTH rates were observed after 2 hrs of PFCa (pills -39.2% vs. mousse -38.0%; p=ns). The AUC0-3hrs for both PFCa was similar (pills 3.35; 95%CI: 3.32; 3.37
vs. mousse 3.36; 95%CI: 3.33; 3.38). No statistically significant differences were observed when we analyze tolerance and predilection.
Conclusion: The calcium carbonate in mousse showed an adequate rate of intestinal absorption, similarly predilection and gastrointestinal tolerance than the pill presentation.

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How to Cite
Mastaglia S, Watson D, Somoza J, Gianotti R, Brito G, Oliveri B. Estudio comparativo de la absorción neta de calcio de dos formulaciones farmacéuticas diferentes de carbonato de calcio en mujeres posmenopáusicas. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];14(1):10-21. Available from:
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