Repair of the pronator quadratus muscle in distal radius fractures treated with internal fixation through a palmar approach: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Laureano A. Hoyos Velasco
Manuel E. Vergara Amador
Jhoan F. Muñoz Velasco
Paulo E. Chacón Castillo
Julián A. Arteaga Chima


Introduction: the pronator quadratus muscle functions as a dynamic stabilizer of the distal radioulnar joint, and its repair after internal fixation with volar locking plate in distal radius fractures is controversial.
Objective: to determine whether the repair of the pronator quadratus muscle influences the clinical and functional outcomes of patients with distal radius fracture who underwent open reduction and internal fixation with volar locking plate.
Materials and methods: a systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted. The analyzed databases were Pubmed/Medline, Embase, and Bireme/Lilacs (search performed until February 20th, 2023). The search terms were distal radius fracture AND volar plate AND pronator quadratus. Methodological quality was determined according to the Cochrane Reviewer’s Handbook.
Results: a total of 4 randomized clinical trials of adequate methodological quality, corresponding to the analysis of 213 participants, were included. Better DASH scores were observed at 12 months of follow-up in the non-repair group of the pronator quadratus muscle, with a mean difference of 2.8 [95% CI 0.51; 5.10]. There were no significant differences at one-year follow-up in pain scores, wrist mobility ranges, grip strength, and incidence of complications.
Conclusion: there is no evidence to support routine repair of the pronator quadratus muscle after internal fixation with volar locking plate in distal radius fractures.

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How to Cite
Hoyos Velasco LA, Vergara Amador ME, Muñoz Velasco JF, Chacón Castillo PE, Arteaga Chima JA. Repair of the pronator quadratus muscle in distal radius fractures treated with internal fixation through a palmar approach: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 May 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];19(3):199-210. Available from:


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