The falls in the elderly: risk factors and consequences

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Eugenia Quintar
Fabiana Giber


Falls frequently happen to adults over 65 years old. Approximately 1 every 3 adults may run the risk of falling during the next year. The risk of falling increases with the age, comorbidities, if they had any previous fall, if they have any gait disorders, and others. The consequences of any fall may be serious thus leading the person to be institutionalized or even to death.
Falls have both social and public health implications that is why we consider of great importance that physicians acquire basic knowledge about falls concerning to older adults, in order to know how to deal with them and work in consequence.

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How to Cite
Quintar E, Giber F. The falls in the elderly: risk factors and consequences. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];10(3):278-86. Available from:
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