Experimental diabetes mellitus produces increased iNOS expression and alters the paracellular pathway of intestinal calcium absorption

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María Angélica Rivoira
Lucía Raquel Corball
Valeria Andrea Rodríguez


We have previously shown that experimental type 1 diabetes mellitus (D.m.1) produced by streptozotocin (STZ) in rats causes intestinal oxidative stress in the early stages of the disease, which leads to the inhibition of intestinal Ca2+ absorption, altering the transcellular Ca2+ pathway. The aim of this work was to study the paracellular Ca2+ pathway and analyze if D.m.1 induces duodenal nitrosative stress. The animals were divided into two groups: 1) control rats, and 2) STZ-induced diabetic rats (60 mg/kg b.w.). Rats were sacrificed 30 days after induction of diabetes. The gene and protein expression of claudin 2 and 12, proteins involved in paracellular Ca2+ pathway, was determined as well as the nitric oxide (NO) content and protein expression of iNOS of mucosa from rat duodenum. The results revealed that gene expression of claudin 2 was more than double in diabetic rats than that of the control rats at 30 days, while the gene expression of claudin 12 was similar in both groups. The protein expression of claudin 2 and 12 increased in the diabetic rats. NO content was similar in both groups, but the iNOS protein expression was enhanced in diabetic rats. To conclude, the experimental type I D.m.1 is accompanied by duodenal oxidative stress, increase iNOS protein expression and alteration of the paracellular Ca2+ pathway as a compensatory mechanism.

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How to Cite
Rivoira MA, Corball LR, Rodríguez VA. Experimental diabetes mellitus produces increased iNOS expression and alters the paracellular pathway of intestinal calcium absorption. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];12(2):97-106. Available from: https://ojs.osteologia.org.ar/ojs33010/index.php/osteologia/article/view/302
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