Sinus floor elevation using a new bovine bone grafting material. Case report and bone grafting materials update

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Gretel G. Pellegrini
Andrea S. Mattiuzzi
Miguel A. Pellegrini
Luis A. Corso
Cintya P. Contreras Morales
Elizabeth Arandia Osinaga
Susana N. Zeni


Bone grafting is important to preserve the alveolar bone ridge height and volume for dental implant placement. Even though implant-supported overdentures presents highly successful outcomes, it seems that a great number of edentulous individuals have not pursued implant-based rehabilitation. The cost of the treatment is one of the reasons of discrepancy between highly successful therapy and its acceptance. Therefore, the development of biomaterials for bone grafting with comparable characteristics and biological effects than those renowned internationally, is necessary. In addition, domestic manufacture would reduce the high costs in public health arising from the application of these biomaterials in the dental field. The purpose of this clinical case report is to provide preliminary clinical evidence of the eficcacy of a new bovine bone graft in the bone healing process when used for sinus floor elevation.

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How to Cite
Pellegrini GG, Mattiuzzi AS, Pellegrini MA, Corso LA, Contreras Morales CP, Arandia Osinaga E, Zeni SN. Sinus floor elevation using a new bovine bone grafting material. Case report and bone grafting materials update. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];15(3):225-36. Available from:
Case Reports

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