Local effects of low dose of PTH 1-34 on experimental periodontitis: pilot study

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Marina S. Bonanno
Estefanía M. Zeni Coronel
Mariana Seijo
María Eugenia Avendaño
Nicolás L. Bidevich
Mariana Preliasco
Mario R. Davison
Susana N. Zeni


Periodontitis is an inflammatory chronic disease with high prevalence in adults that induces a progressive alveolar bone (AB) loss leading to tooth loss. Experimental periodontitis can be induced in rats by cotton ligature placement (LP) in the gingival sulcus around the molar teeth. The biofilm accumulation and disruption of the gingival epithelium lead to bone resorption. We investigated whether intermittent administration of a low dose of PTH 1-34 may recover the alveolar bone loss in the experimental periodontitis induced in female Wistar rats. Animals were randomly divided in two groups which were subcutaneously injected with: saline solution (CT LP) or 0,2 μg/kg PTH 1-34 (PTH LP) three times per week during 17 days. Unligated rats were taken as healthy controls (CT). Anthropometric, biochemical and histologic analysis of tibia and hemimandible were done.
No differences in serum calcium, phosphorus, CTX, PTHi or subchondral tibia bone volume (BV/TV%) were observed between the three groups. AB BV/TV% was significantly lower in PTH LP than in CT but higher than in CT LP (p<0.05). The highest percentage of AB loss was observed in CT LP. The height of periodontal ligament was lower in PTH LP than in CT (p<0.05) but not significantly higher than CT LP.
The increase in AB loss by experimental periodontitis appears to be corrected by the intermittent administration of low doses of PTH without systemic effect. As the recovery of periodontal tissue was only partial, additional studies should be done.

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How to Cite
Bonanno MS, Zeni Coronel EM, Seijo M, Avendaño ME, Bidevich NL, Preliasco M, Davison MR, Zeni SN. Local effects of low dose of PTH 1-34 on experimental periodontitis: pilot study. Actual. Osteol. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];18(1):p. 10-21. Available from: https://ojs.osteologia.org.ar/ojs33010/index.php/osteologia/article/view/11
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